Black is no colour at all—it is the absence of colour
Back during your elementary school years, if your teacher asked you to mention the colours you know, you might probably mention, white, red, blue, black and on and on, but let me tell you this, maybe you might try modifying that knowledge you have in your head right now—black is no colour. Okay to the "why" question. As humans, our ability to perceive an object's colour( let's say blue) is because the object absor0bs some light and reflects some light. The reflected light is the one you perceive to be the object's colour. You might be wondering, when you shine your torch or during a broad daylight(sunlight), light emitted from the light sources are single(white). A proof of this is in the image above, can you see the white light entering the prism from the left and thereafter on the other side can you see it split to different rainbow colours. The simple conclusion from this is that, the white beam of light from your torch or the sun is made up of the eight rai...