Weight is different from Mass—Check out why.

The two words are often taken as being the same or similar. In normal english discussions, the word "mass" is completely kicked aside and "weight" is adopted to substitute for the same meaning as mass. But the truth is, the two words' meaning though related, are generally different. So, let's check out the difference between the two words—I tell you, it is left to you to adopt it.
Basically, mass depicts the amount of matter contained in an object. So when you place yourself on a scale, the resulting figure is your mass which shows the amount of matter you contain. So the next time someone throws the question at you, how much do you weigh? Then you can try convincing the person that it is not a question of how much you weigh, rather it is a question if how much matter you contain—mass.
Weight, though commonly used, is a little complicated word than mass—don't worry, you will get the meaning. You have probably heard of gravity or gravitational force, right? So, gravitational force and mass are both determinants in ascertaining an object's weight. Weight is a gravitational force an object experiences because of its mass.
Weight, mathematically expressed, is an object's mass(M) multiplied by its free-fall acceleration(A)( an occurrence due to gravity).

Free-fall acceleration occurs when gravity is the only force acting on an object in its direction towards the earth. Have you tried letting go of a piece of paper and apple from your hands at equal height? Obviously, the apple falls to the earth faster than the paper.
This is because there is another force acting on the paper apart from gravity—Air resistance. I am sure you will observe the paper flutter in air while slowly lowering to the ground. The force acting on that paper is air resistence—air prevents its "free-fall" to the earth. If you repeat this in a vacuum(an airtight container), the paper and the apple will fall to the earth at the same rate— no air resistence. This defines Newton's second law of gravity—all objects regardless of their mass, have equal free-fall acceleration.
So have this at the back of your mind, the world's heaviest man or woman have the same free-fall acceleration with a needle—where gravity is the only force acting on them, no air resistence.
You do know or you have heard of the fact that astronauts in space float? This is as a result of the weak gravitational force in space. So if gravitational force plays a role in determining weight, then it can be concluded that the astronauts in space are weightless—mind you, they still have mass but due to a weak or no gravity, they have no weight.


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