
Showing posts from November, 2019

Black is no colour at all—it is the absence of colour

Back during your elementary school years, if your teacher asked you to mention the colours you know, you might probably mention, white, red, blue, black and on and on, but let me tell you this, maybe you might try modifying that knowledge you have in your head right now—black is no colour. Okay to the "why" question. As humans, our ability to perceive an object's colour( let's say blue) is because the object absor0bs some light and reflects some light. The reflected light is the one you perceive to be the object's colour. You might be wondering, when you shine your torch or during a broad daylight(sunlight), light emitted from the light sources are single(white). A proof of this is in the image above, can you see the white light entering the prism from the left and thereafter on the other side can you see it split to different rainbow colours. The simple conclusion from this is that, the white beam of light from your torch or the sun is made up of the eight rai...

Why science tries to understand trivial things about nature

Before getting to know about science, if a friend approached me with a story on a new scientific breakthrough, probably scientists' discovery of black not being a colour, what comes to mind at that point is, "Is that really an achievement, who gives a damn whether black is a colour or not". At that time to me, it simply does not worth the sweat. Do you think like that too? Okay, let me explain why those seemingly trivial things are important too. The study of plant's mode of manufacturing their own food has been one of the amazing breakthroughs and currently, studies and research are going on to mimic the plant's way of manufacturing food to make the earth a better place to live. Artificial photosynthesis is the science method of mimicking plant's natural photosynthesis. As you all know, human activity through industrial revolution down to the present day has resulted in global warming of the world—emission of greenhouse gases of which carbon dioxide is major...

Weight is different from Mass—Check out why.

The two words are often taken as being the same or similar. In normal english discussions, the word "mass" is completely kicked aside and "weight" is adopted to substitute for the same meaning as mass. But the truth is, the two words' meaning though related, are generally different. So, let's check out the difference between the two words—I tell you, it is left to you to adopt it. Basically, mass depicts the amount of matter contained in an object. So when you place yourself on a scale, the resulting figure is your mass which shows the amount of matter you contain. So the next time someone throws the question at you, how much do you weigh? Then you can try convincing the person that it is not a question of how much you weigh, rather it is a question if how much matter you contain—mass. Weight, though commonly used, is a little complicated word than mass—don't worry, you will get the meaning. You have probably heard of gravity or gravitational force, r...